Flavored Coffees – A History of Most Popular Flavored Coffees
|The early years of the 1980’s, flavor choices were minimal and terrible tasting.
Flavored Coffees in the 1980’s were Irish Cream, Brandy, Amaretto, Chocolate and Vanilla. These Flavors tasted slightly like medicine and they were not desirable to the main core of coffee consumers. The early 1980’s, was not a wonderful time for choosing the most popular flavored coffees.
In the mid–to-late 80’s things changed when nut flavors were introduced. There was Nut cream, vanilla nut, The early years of the 1980’s, flavor choices were minimal and terrible tasting. southern pecan, and hazelnut that emerged from the darkness of flavored coffee syrups. These new flavors let go of the medicine taste and switched to a creamy, sweet aromatic adventure for flavored coffee connoisseurs.

The emergence of nut flavors and other sweet and creamy flavors
The emergence of nut flavors and other sweet and creamy flavors contributed to the success of the specialty industry. New customers began to flock to the retailers. Small regional roasters who entered the specialty coffee drink industry gained a competitive edge using the new flavors introduced.
These small regional roasters gave the large roasters who did not offer flavors a run for their money. There was a variety of new consumers the specialty coffee industry now gained because of the new introduced flavors.

What were the Top selling Flavored coffees in 1988?
- Vanilla
- Chocolate
- Hazelnut
- Irish crème
- Amaretto

What are the Top selling Flavored coffees Today?
- Irish crème
- Vanilla
- Hazelnut
- Chocolate
- Today the top sellers are almost the same as in the 80’s
Collen Roberta director of sales at Flavor Dynamics states that Amaretto sells well in Europe and Carmel is very popular in the U.S. The most popular flavors continue to be Vanilla, Irish crème and Hazelnut in the flavored coffee industry.
Strategies of Retailers of Flavored Coffees
Some retailers sell the top three flavors and offer others flavors related to the seasons. Spice flavors in the fall and chocolates in the first of the year. Flavor and fragrance Specialties top five flavors are a combination of the traditional Hazelnut, Vanilla-French vanilla, vanilla nut crème, blueberry cobbler and pumpkin spice.

To begin flavoring coffee, small roaster or retailers can inexpensively begin flavoring coffees. All they need is a small drum mixer similar to the cement mixer. Flavoring costs a roaster or retailer about 25 – 50 cents a pound.
Since some flavors are the most popular in some areas. The roaster/retailer should know their regions favorite flavors, before purchasing new flavors to mix with their coffees. For decades hazelnut and Vanilla flavored coffees are consumers favorites. These flavors appear every year on supermarket shelves.

One of the Giants in Corporation Coffee Drink Sellers!!!!!
Starbucks educated the American consumer to experience coffee drinks in the 1990s. They produced an illustrated guide to explain the differences between Cappuccinos, espressos, lattes and more. This new illustration allows anyone to understand exactly what they were ordering.
You could even just order a shot of flavoring to combat the bitter tastes of the coffees. The customers learned to pronounce items in their order without being embarrassed. In today’s world Starbucks are all over the world and flavored coffee are an everyday event for convenience stores and supermarkets.

So, if you love flavored coffees and want to do it yourself. Go to Amazon.com and find all your low-priced supplies, equipment and coffee beans Available!!!!! Enjoy shopping and get on the process of making your own flavored coffees.